Elegant Earth
Quickview -
8" Thornhurst Bowl
$507.00 -
48" Perfect Round Dining Table
$1,644.00 -
32" Perfect Round Bistro
$823.00 -
Large Oil Jar
$672.00 -
12" Orb (Staked)
$308.00 -
22" Large Fruit Basket Finial
$286.00 -
31" Large Garland Finial
$524.00 -
15" Large Fruit Compote Finial
$266.00 -
18" Bust of Herakles
$675.00 -
32" Caryatid
$288.00 -
Lamb of Victory Wall Plaque
$585.00 -
51" Spanish Cross
$745.00 -
17" English Foal
$417.00 -
10" Large English Jack Rabbit
$286.00 -
24" Large Tortoise
$386.00 -
32" Saint Fiacre
$356.00 -
27" Amorini Pair
$1,184.00 -
27" Kneeling Angel
$445.00 -
33" Vineyard Cherubs
$1,585.00 -
5' Drumcliff High Cross
$745.00 -
4' Drumcliff High Cross
$538.00 -
45" Leeds Cross Section